Admission Procedure & Enrollment Policies


   1. Take a written Entrance Examination to assess the readiness for admission.
   2. All applicants for enrollment are required to undergo a personal interview.
   1. The Guidance Counselor shall administer the entrance examination and the personal interview. He/She shall furnish a certified copy of the official entrance results to the parents of the examinee.
   2. The Guidance Counselor shall also furnish a copy of the same official reports to the Principal / School Registrar.
   3. The Principal / School Registrar shall inform the applicant’s parents / guardians about the other requirements.


The school reserves the right to refuse admittance to any transfer students
   • Should a transferee be considered for admission, he/she:
    1. Must pass the entrance examination and personal interview.
    2. Must see the Guidance Counselor together with his/her parents.
    3. Must sign an agreement of good behavior.
    4. Admitted transferee shall be placed under probation for one (1) year.

   • The school reserves the right to dismiss any student for:
    1. Violation of school rules and regulations as prescribed in this handbook.
    2. Undesirable conduct unbecoming of a Benedictian.
    3. Academic performance below standard set by the school.


It is the period of time during which the ability of the student to abide by the academic standards, as well as the code of discipline of St. Benedict College is ascertained.
   • A student/pupil on probation should:
    1. Maintain good grades in all subjects.
    2. Show outstanding conduct and behavior.
    3. If a student meets the requirements at the end of a school year, his/her probationary status will be changed to a regular student.
    4. If a student does not meet the requirements at the end of the school year, his/her probationary status, he/she shall be advised to transfer to other school.


1. To be promoted to the next level, a pupil must pass all the subjects in the curriculum year.
2. A pupil who has a failing grade(s) and obtained a general average of 75%-78% in any major subject (Math, Science, Filipino, and English) must enroll in a summer class for enrichment before enrolling for the next school year.
3. A pupil who fails in three (3) learning areas is not promoted and will have to repeat the curriculum year.
4. A pupil is only allowed to repeat any Grade level once.
5. If a pupil fails the second time in the same academic year, he/she will be advised to transfer to another school.


1. Kindergarten (Playschool and Preparatory)

   1. Photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate
   2. 2 pcs 2x2 colored ID photos
   3. Nursery or Kiddie Certificate / Report Card
   4. Duly Accomplished Registration Form

2. Grade One

   1. Photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate
   2. 2 pcs 2x2 colored ID photos
   3. indergarten Report Card/ Certificate of Completion
   4. Result of Entrance Exam
   5. Duly Accomplished Registration Form

3. Grade Two – Six (Continuing Pupils)

   1. Report Card
   2. Duly Accomplished Registration Form

4. Transferees

   1. Personal interview with the Principal (with parents)
   2. Report Card
   3. Certificate of Good Moral Character
   4. Photocopy of Birth certificate (NSO)
   5. 2 pcs 2x2 colored ID photos
   6. Result of Entrance Exam
   7. Duly Accomplished Registration Form